mars 2019 | rustines_lab, Montréal (QC-CA)

octobre 2019 | Lab30, Augsbourg (DE)

From visual and digital arts, electronic music and the Internet, Pascale LeBlanc Lavigne, Lucas Paris and Roby Provost-Blanchard are participants in the perte de signal Projet Émergent program. Faced with their desire to combine their divergent practices into a common and coherent installation, the artists explore and question the transduction between mediums through different works dialoguing with a common theme.

Thus, their Transposition project proposes the interpretation of a complex organic movement, that of the flapping of a bird’s wings, towards a simple mechanical movement, so as to reduce the movement to its essence. Their exploration takes the form of interdisciplinary installations that seek to bring together kinetic sculptures, sound art, light art, and simulations.

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