Object mechanics

2015 | Kunst Kraft Werk, Leipzig (DE)

2011-2012 | Trois-rivieres, Amos, Jonquière (QC_CA)


Myriam Bessette | Robin Dupuis | Martin Messier | Jonathan Villeneuve | Pavitra Wickramasinghe | Samuel St-Aubin | Nicolas Bernier | Jason Arsenault | Claudette Lemay | Martine Lauzier | Erick d’Orion | Amélie Brisson-Darveau | Darsha Hewitt 


curators :

  • Julie Bélisle
  • Ariane De Blois

Object Mechanics brings together recent installational and performative works by emerging and established digital artists in an exhibition that revisits historical creations and inventions using contemporary practices and current technologies. At once a touring exhibition and an exercise in mediation for new audiences in media arts, this project falls in step with Perte de Signal’s primary concerns.

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